FE Pack
Contains FE nosode, Minerals, Chelidonium, Hypericum, 2 labeled spray bottles for the Hypericum and Chelidonium.
FE nosode - used to assist prior to and during the high risk facial eczema season.
Hypericum - The first homeopathic product to consider when an animal is showing obvious symptoms. The animal becomes sensitive to the light and will seek shade. Skin symptoms include development of blisters on the nose and udder with redness and swelling. The hair may start to fall out. The animal shows signs of restlessness and agitation.
Chelidonium - Can be used for animals showing disturbances of the liver. Digestive symptoms could include bloating and sluggish bowels. The whites of the eyes may be yellow and the skin may be hot, dry and itchy. Pimples and pustules may develop and the animal may lose condition. Balances the body's normal regeneration of the liver.
Minerals - Useful in supporting the natural absorption and assimilation of minerals in the body and may help to enhance the animals overall condition.